Pediatric surgery was one of the first Super-specialities to start functioning along with the inception of the medical college hospital in the year 1999. For nearly a decade, this speciality was single-handedly and efficiently managed by Dr. B. Sandeep Rai. A full-fledged department was established in 2012 which now functions as a single unit with a Professor & Chief, an Associate consultant and a resident offering quality surgical care to children ranging from neonates to adolescents.
The Department is headed by Dr. B Sandeep Rai. He completed his MCh from the prestigious Kasturba Medical College Manipal in the year 1998 following which he joined this institution in 1999 and rose to the rank of Professor in 2006. He is an examiner for MCh trainees at various universities across India and is a designated guide for Ph.D dissertations. He has been an invited faculty for various state, National and international conferences and workshops and his areas of special interest are minimaly invasive and hypospadias surgeries.
Dr. Raghu Shankar, Associate consultant, extended his dedicated service and expertise to the Department from 2012 to 2019. Following this, Dr. Aureen Ruby D’Cunha joined the department as Assistant Professor. She completed her MCh from the prestigious Christian Medical College, Vellore in the year 2017 and worked there for two years. She has presented papers in various state and national level conferences, and has publications in indexed journals. Her areas of special interest include neonatal surgery and Paediatric GI surgery.
The department is currently focusing on research involving constipation in children, and plans to study the outcomes of hypospadias repair and anorectal myectomies in children, these being fields of expertise of the departmental work.
The department evaluates around 1,500 out-patients and operates around 600 cases in a year, both electives and emergencies included. The out-patient department functions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and surgeries are performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in addition to 24 hour Emergency services for all paediatric surgical emergencies. The speciality has a combined strength of 20 beds including ward, Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) & Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) along with a dedicated and exclusive team of OT nursing staff & technicians take care of the OT preparation.
We in Paediatric surgery have progressed from basic minimally invasive surgery like appendectomy, cholecystectomy and orchidopexy to advanced laparoscopic procedures including Pyeloplasty, Ureteric reimplantation, Adrenalectomy, Cysto- gastrostomy, Fundoplication, pelvic surgery for ovarian pathology, etc.
With the acquisition of a Telescopic optical bronchoscope, foreign bodies of the airways have been retrieved with ease. Additionally, 3mm laparoscopic instruments have allowed us to offer minimally invasive surgeries to neonates and infants. A new state of the art laparoscopic set has recently been procured for exclusive use by the department.
A well equipped operation theatre with a dedicated team of paediatric nursing staff and technicians make surgeries a pleasant experience. The presence of an experienced and co-operative paediatric anaesthesia team has gone a long way in ensuring safe anaesthesia and contributing to outstanding surgical outcomes. The department of paediatrics lends unconditional support and it is their hard work too that goes into the recovery of surgical patients.
The Government welfare schemes offered by the hospital are applicable for Paediatric surgical patients as well. Regular camp visits, awareness talks and interactive sessions have been part of the Community levee services extended by the department.